Thursday, March 26, 2009

Merging my blogs

When you look up the word, "daunting," you should find the definition: "merging three blogs into one."

That's how I feel. But it needs to be done. I like to blog, but I stay away from it too much because I have too many blogs! Merging is the answer. So, whether you like to hear about my crocheting or need information on my finds about getting off benzodiazepines, or like to read about Christian things, it will all be in one place now.

I can just see the guys cringing now... "we have to look at sewing stuff?" Yes. It's called self-discipline. You can manage! Ha! And the atheists who like the crochet stuff who want nothing to do with God saying, "What? I have to endure stuff about Jesus Christ?" Yes. You will one day when you die anyhow, so you might want to get used to it.

For now though, I'll still have Benzology HERE and Sew And Stitch HERE.

I will keep Yarn Designs HERE and not merge that since that's strictly for my ETSY STORE.

- Tamara Slack