Monday, March 30, 2009

Josias' Afghan

Josias' Afghan

FINALLY! I'm done with baby Josias' afghan. Like John Piper says, I will never, never, never, never, never, never, never do one of these again! Alright, his "nevers" were much more interesting, but that's all I have! When I say "never," that can actually be translated into: "I can be bribed to do one of these again for $100.00," Haha!

I would do it again, but not without complaining. It was super detailed with little itsy bitsy yarn with tiny little crochet hooks. I'm surprised my sanity is still intact (well, that's still questionable). Anyway, I made this for my good friend Angela Williams' baby. The deal is that if she ever complains about her crocheting skills, she has to box this baby up and mail it back (got that Angie?). So here's how the afghan evolved:

Slow and steady.... one little block at a time:

I did this many times over and voila, like magic (read: many hours!), there's a lot of squares:

So, now since I didn't use a chart already drawn up for me, I had to come up with my own plan of attack on how this thing will come out:

Lookin' good, right? Yeah, so now, how do you put this thing together to make a baby warm? You concentrate hard, silly!

And then smiles come when it starts to look like a real afghan:

LOOK! It looks like something (kinda):

Uh-oh, I forgot I have to figure out a way to do edging. Never did a pretty edging on an afghan, only a basic looking thing, so I came up with this:

Well that looked a little funky with the seperation between the fans, so I added another round with white:

THAT made the difference:

And finally... ready? Here it is...


(alright I messed up; I forgot to take a picture of the entire afghan with the border... ugh!)

Measurements of the afghan: Squares: 5.5” Finished afghan without edging: 24” x 28.25” Finished afghan with edging: 26.75” x 31.5”

I used a pattern from Ravelry called "Butterfly Square" but did not do the full square, making the "butterflies" less in the square. I used Bernat Softee Baby Yarn, using an "F" and "G" hook depending on which yarn I was using (I found one color to be slightly lighter than the other). I made 30 squares and each square took about 30 - 45 minutes to complete (you do the math!) and attached the squares by slip stitching each stitch on the back (this thing WILL hold together now!). The edging is a basic shell but I had to improvise, making a much larger shell around the initial blue one.

To order handcrafted crocheted items from my
Etsy store, visit or click HERE

You can also email me at

Some funny guys with their "never, never, never" version of John Piper is HERE

Alright, here's some real Piper on:
1. Dads and Daughters,
2. What You Should Do with Evil
3. Don't Want to Be Rich

- Tamara Slack